Tuesday 13 May 2014

Log Horizon volume 6 v2

I was told that the epub of Log Horizon volume 6 didn't work, and when I checked it, it certainly didn't. I formated again, this time to no specific device and it should now be working.

Title: The Stray Child of Daybreak
Volume: 6
Author: Mamare Touno
ISBN: 978-4047282353
From: Baka-Tsuki
For: -
Format by: Kanako 
Made: May 13, 2014



  1. Is there any reason the filesize of this book is som much bigger than the other Log Horizon books?

    1. Yes. It's because of a different formatting. When I format the epub especially for Kobo Touch, it'll be smaller than if I don't. This one has been made for general eReaders, while the others have been done for Kobo Touch.
